Single motherhood is no longer uncommon in our society and I
would have thought that the stigmatization would reduce. Some time ago, one of my first posts
actually, I blogged about unwanted babies
We read how babies were abandoned in hideous places and left for dead,
sometimes eaten by animals such as pigs. Others would even terminate (murder) a
fetus with already formed limbs say at 6 months by taking certain concoction.
It is therefore shocking to me when a lady who made
conscious effort to ‘save’ and love her baby, even care for alone is now looked
upon like the loose and stigmatized to the point of it being a major issue when
she meets a guy who wants to marry her. Now
that is entirely my opinion and you may have a different one. I mean, the one
who had a baby but abandoned it, the one who aborted the pregnancy and the one
who had a child all committed adultery and is a sin from the religious point of
view. The other two committed additional
sins viz: attempted murder/abandonment
and murder. While the single mother chose not to add to her ‘error’. I would refer to her as the brave one rather
than condemn her. Some of you may
totally disagree with me and say she is stupid for jeopardizing her chances of
living a stigma free life when she could have done otherwise but then we have
different perspectives to life issues.
It is important to note that I am in no way celebrating or
promoting single motherhood. Rather I am trying to understand why choosing to
make a good (keeping d baby) out of a bad (having unprotected sex) is something
to be ashamed of. Some men do not mind getting married to single mothers but
others do mind a lot. Even the ones that do not mind get a lot of disapproval from
their family members. Strange as it may
sound, I actually have a friend, he is divorced and has 3 kids yet he insists
he cannot get married to a single mother.
Guys, if you are reading this, can you marry a single
mother, especially if she has most of the attributes u desire in a wife? And generally,
dear readers, what do you think are the reasons for the stigmatization single mothers
face and are these reasons justified?