Tuesday 3 July 2012


I officially need help. I have phobia for HUMANS. Yes. I am afraid of people. This started after two guys with guns stopped and tried to rob my husband and I on the 23rd June.  It is strange that I did not blog about the robbery incident –attempted-yet I am blogging about the aftermath of it. I can no longer bear to have a strange man look at me for even 5seconds without feeling that thud that signifies fear in my chest.  If someone moves or walks towards me, I get that feeling. I am in the car, and a motorcycle overtakes the car, I am almost ready ‘to be attacked’. 

This may sound silly and like I am just a dramatic but truly, this is getting really annoying even to me.  Every strange face around me now seems like a potential armed robber.  The other day a guy was walking towards my direction and for whatever reason, he lifted his t-shirt. I was this close to taking to my heels. Well, just a day before that, one of the guys (the one that held the gun to my side of the car in my face) did a similar motion of lifting t-shirt and out came a gun! Who would blame me for not wanting to see that movement especially by a guy? 

I am writing this because I honestly need help in getting over this latest and annoying fear of strange faces.  Dear darling readers, what do u think I can do to overcome this fear? Unfortunately, I do not get back from work till dark and I have to walk my street alone. I pray I do not punch an innocent one in the face some day and now that I am even contemplating having a pen knife with me all the time, I pray I do not attack an innocent person. Or maybe I should just get a pepper spray?


  1. Its just a normal feeling buh u just have to be very careful cos u might hurt someone like u said. A peper spray isn't a bad idea buh using on inocent starngers is my fear... I guess u should just learn to have a little trust thing like that happen once in a while

  2. Don't like d part dat na we guys alone induce d fear....we sef fear woman pass, welcome to the club. But to solve ur paranoia....get a licensed or unlicensed GUN! It should reverse d process, u start feeling a sense of confidence again, even witout pulling it out! Case closed!!! You'r welcome, no need to thank me. - Engr TJ
