Wednesday 2 January 2013


I have been thinking a lot about this for a while so I think it is time that I put it down in writing.
Why do people want to raise only children who are their flesh and blood? I don’t fully understand it. You get pregnant, your hormones starts playing up, you start having mood swings, vomiting, unable to stand familiar smells and you start looking and feeling very heavy. Some not so lucky mums even end up with post natal depression.
I understand and appreciate that at the end of it there is a bundle of joy to take home with you but whatever is wrong with adopting? In my opinion, men are so set and rigid about this, they wont even consider having a child in their home who is not theirs. There are so many kids out there; orphans, abandoned at birth – praying day in day out for a loving family to come and take them home and make them part of a family and feel the love that comes with being part of something good.
Why can couples who want more than 2 kids not adopt after their 2nd natural child? Think of the reward from the almighty because every good deed we do is rewarded, the joy you will be bringing to an abandoned child’s life and the help you are giving to society not to mention the fact that carrying a pregnancy to full term and taking a baby home after delivery or even yourself home in Nigeria is becoming hard for Nigerian doctors. I cant begin to count how many families in Lagos alone that I know of that has lost a mum and wife due to the incompetence of doctors.
Couples who are struggling to have children of their own, this could be something that you can consider, being stressed about not getting pregnant every passing month may not be helping your situation as it has been proven by some medical studies and researches but if you do this act of kindness and start being too busy that you don’t have time to be thinking of not being pregnant, you just may end up being pregnant. Things like that usually happen when you are too busy to think about it.
I do hope i have men readers so I implore you all to please go home, think about it and maybe take the leap of faith and do it. God will help and reward you for it. If you have any thoughts about this write up, don’t just sit there and say it to yourself, drop me a line, I like to know what you think of it. Maybe you think it’s a mad idea or a stupid one or a good one. I hope you find it thought provoking enough to also recommend this page to a friend.

curled from:


  1. Nice write up here. If adopting orphans or abandoned kid is been practiced it would give one personal satisfaction in the sence that the feeling that u have helped someone streams thru ur tot at all times wen u c the kid happy. It could be ur kid who is the orphan due to some circumstances. If one can c from heaven the parents of this orphans won't be glad of the states of there kids. I think this is a very good one. Never thought of it buh would start adding to ma agenda

  2. good point but Phaozee, take d bold step first, we'd follow

  3. Interesting n definitely rewarding,I don't mind havin 1 adopted.i have asked pples opinion and my only fear is d family lineage of whr d unknown baby is from,parents background.I am not discouraged either if my partner is ready.caring for anoda child like it's urs is a great blessing.

  4. I find this piece an interesting read moreso as it made me aware of this side of the author I never knew existed.Lol!
    Having said that, I totally support adoption. Although I have kids of my own, 4 actually 2 of each, I think adoption shouldn't be restricted to childless couples only. It should be for everybody so long as you have the capability of caring for that kid like he was your biological child and when I say this, I mean being able to show the child love and affection, making him have a sense of belonging in your home.
    This should be the underlying factor in adoption as some people are yet to learn how to love themselves and their own biological children how much more a person that has no blood ties with them so for anyone who is actually processing the thought of adoption, I'll say to the person that he/she is on the right path.

  5. I am very open to adoption. I can't even suggest it to my husband who is a typical African man.
