Wednesday 17 April 2013


Vibrators, dildos. They serve same or similar purposes. Gives pleasure to the female sex organ either through a vibrating sensation or the penetrating effect that feels like a penis. Well, that is the best way i can describe them.
I have friends whose husbands pleasure them during fore-play, using vibrators to tickle the clitoris. This was shocking to me the first time I heard because I never thought a man would even want to know that his wife uses one. Although I have never used one, I will not deny that I do wonder what it would feel like. I was talking to a few married men to find out their opinion about this artificial penis. Of course, majority said they would NEVER let their women use one, whether in their presence or in their absence. A few (not so few) others did not mind. Apparently, some even purchase for their wives. Below are some of the responses I got.
Tim says, ‘my conviction as a Christian forbids me. It is also a sign of weakness for the man.’ He says a big NO to letting his wife use one.
Dr A.C says, ‘most men can try it with girl friends but not with wife.’ Hmm this response shows that there are lots of men who would act out their fantasies with girl friends but never with their wives. Topic for another day.
Enitan says, ‘personally, no. So far say nothing do my sex organ and it is my responsibility to satisfy her. Vibrator may only come in if she enjoys it but it should not be a permanent solution to satisfaction.’
Tae says, ‘yes, one off. It is difficult to get them to climax all the time so they have a right to be crazy ones or twice a year. It is like fingering, you know. Do you really enjoy it? The answer is no but she does. You have to always think of your spouse’s happiness because it will save you a lot of stress.’ This happens to be one of my favourite responses.
Sam says, ‘why not? If that is what excites her. And if it is something new, not there from our dating days, question will be, ‘where is she learning it from?’’
AT says, ‘no I won’t because she may get used to it and there is no way as a human being will i be able to give her the same level of satisfaction. Also there exists the tendency for the frequency of masturbation to increase. This can also create room for lesbianism because it may become easy for her to do it with another woman after all it is the vibrator that is being used.’
Seun says, ‘it does not bother me because I know she will never want vibrator when i am there. I satisfy her more than any vibrator can ever do. If I am not around, make she carry go. Shebi i nor dey?’
For the men who will not tolerate it at all, I wonder what you would do if you suddenly found out your wife has one hidden somewhere in the house. Would you feel cheated on?


  1. Hmmmmm. This is a very serious matter o. I read the comments too and I would like to align myself with AT, one of your interviewees.

    The human mind is one that likes to explore and try new things if and when an opportunity presents itself. It is also a mind that is very easily prone to being caught in a inescapable web of addiction.

    I believe that there's the risk that the woman who starts using the dildo will not only be (or near) permanently used to them but will develop other cravings and equally seek ways of satisfying them.

    The world of sex is indeed a very dark one and in it you will find like AT noted; lesbianism, others are swinging, orgies, and the one where couples inflict pain on each other in a ritual intended to pleasure sexually (I can't recall what its called) and there are many, many others.

    It should also disturb anyone encouraging the use of dildos that there are other world whose ties with the world of sex are getting more problematically knotty. The world of drugs, crime and sin. Many ecstacy drugs with the tendency to become addictive are constantly turning up and sold by criminals. People have lost their lives as a result of overdose and many love games gone wild have led to fatalities.

    Unlike ofcourse one can absolutely trust oneself that one won't venture outside of the subworld of sex toys then fair enough to whoever chooses to plunge in. But I wonder how such a person won't one day desire to step outside of it - afterall you stepped out of the subworld of penis meets vagina as God intended it.

    I am sure it is clear where I stand on this matter. It is, for me, a capital NO to the use of sex toys.

  2. Hmmm....*swallows spit*
    i dont think females that are not lesbian will want to own a sex toy. IMO

  3. No to Sex Toys, it demoralises you, People tend to think its ok because of what they see in Movies, it ruins a perfect sexual relationship and makes the reciever feels incomplete without it, if it carries on for too long the woman looses all sexual sensitivity which brings about frigidity and lack of affection for self! IT IS A NO!

  4. Sex Toys, every once in a while, there is nothing wrong in trying out new stuffs, vibrators, a very good example, but making it an every day affair spoils the fun because she could take it too far and make herself kinda like a nymph.
    But I think its not a bad idea, especially when you know the type of person your spouse is.
