Wednesday 21 March 2012


As usual, I did a survey, this time to confirm the theory that majority of ladies have lesbian tendencies. Naturally, most will be too embarrassed to admit it but surprisingly, I was able to get honest responses that showed that  over 70% of girls have lesbian tendencies!!! However, not all have actually gone through with the ‘act’. For 40%, it still remains a fantasy. It has remained a fantasy for most mainly because deep down they know or believe it is not right or proper to desire to be touched by the same sex. For some, because they do not have to courage to approach another girl for it for fear of being turned down and embarrassed. Out of the remaining 30% who have tried it, about 5% found it wasn’t their thing.

When you think about it and wonder why this is so, it is possible that it is because a lady would clean up her vagina by really using her hands and fingers and this will allow them know the feeling of and right place to get the best sensation. Hence the saying that only a woman truly understand the best way to turn a woman on (ok, I don’t know where I got that saying

Whether for cultural of religious reasons, most people believe attraction to the same sex is totally wrong. I will love to read your responses. Do you agree that most women have lesbian tendencies? Do you (if you are female) have lesbian tendency? Have you ever carried out your fantasy?


  1. Hi, Am a guy i understand that a number of ladies can be bisexual, particularly before matrimony and when still much younger. early 20's or their about.

    In a nut shell am not surprised, though pleased that someone can take the pain to investigate. keep it up. cheers.

    Nasir Afolab Agbalaya

  2. Its a regular act perpetrated by a lot of girls but its always a top seret. Mainly because of the societal disposition towards it.

  3. Befor I could give ma sincer reply, ma question goes to the writer, do U ve a lesbian tendency , ve u ever imagine doing it with a female or carrying out with a female?

  4. Females do have the tendency to be lesbians and like Nasir rightly said it is a common act for younger girls especially those who haven't tried the opposite sex.
    I practiced it and I can assure you those were the best days of my sexual experience. If you are lucky to have an adventurous partner.
    However, it is mostly unnecessary conji drive, you get high and to come down bcoms hell of a job.
    For me with the discovery of a man I stopped but it is easy for women to work on eachother and get the rightful things done. I assure you they will flow well, just that most finalise with the use of vibrators. So a man' sex is always needed.
