Thursday 22 May 2014

SEXUAL FANTASY- do i have the weirdest?

It is a fantasy. Oh, but then it is sexual too. According to wikepedia, sexual fantasy is a mental image or pattern of thought that stirs a person's sexuality and can create or enhance sexual arousal. A sexual fantasy resides entirely in a person's mind and can be created by the person's imagination, mental recollection or thought. Many times, these fantasies never get fulfilled. They remain in our head, playing out in our dreams. Various things trigger them. Things like Objects, people, pornography. It can be uncomfortable for people to talk about their fantasies with their significant other (partner) for fear of being judged or being called a ‘ sinner’. However, it is often healthy to talk about it as best we can. Ok maybe not the extreme ones. Hahhaha. A friend said to me once, ‘ I cannot talk to my wife about my sexual fantasies. She will see me as a sinner. Religion kills sexual pleasure’. Hmmm. I don’t know if religion does that so I will just skip that line. ‘If you are imprisoned in any way by your work, your family, your education, your religion, your government—your fantasies become your freedom’. *stolen* A small survey was carried out and we found some really interesting sexual fantasies. A 32 year old male fantasizes about sex in the pool. Ok, how difficult can it be? c’mon, get your lady in a private or non-crowded pool and just DO IT! Haahaa. A 32 year old female has this fantasy of having sex with her man while she is in a very drunk state. One 34 year old male fantasizes about having a threesome. What he did not state however is if he would want the threesome to involve his current partner. Imagine your man saying to you, ‘hey honey, I brought us another girl/man to join in’. Lord have mercy! Hahaha. We have a 37year old female who has this fantasy of having a threesome including two gay men. Wow! A 42 year old man fantasizes about sex in a car. Ok you gotta hear this. A 31 year old male has this fantasy of ‘using a banana on a woman for penetration….and eating it out of her!’. We got this 35year old male who fantasizes about anal sex, facial cum and having the girl swallow his cum. Ok, no wonder we call them fantasies. The truth is we can actually act out some of these fantasies with our spouses/partners if only we got the courage to talk about it. The fear of being judged stops us. For example, some men fantasizes about having sex with a nurse in uniform. If the wife happens to be privy to this tiny bit of detail, all she needs do is get in a sexy nurse uniform, totally act out the part and make him make love to her. I bet as long as you talk and look nothing like the you he is used to, that fantasy would have been fulfilled. Some fantasize about having sex in the office. If the man has this tiny bit of information, all he has to do is surprise her in her office one day, near close of work and make love to her on her work table. Hmmm. I have a feeling her fantasy would have been fulfilled. More often than not, that partner we are too embarrassed to mention or talk about our fantasies to also have one or two ‘crazy’ thing she/he fantasizes about but is too scared or bothered to mention them to us. It might not be such a bad idea to find a way of informing our partners of our sexual fantasies. Who knows? I mean, why live a fulfill-able fantasy unfilled right? We could write them out on papers and exchange them. The ones we cannot achieve or the ones we know we cannot work around, we can just laugh over it. At least, we just might be able to fulfill some. What’s the worst that can happen anyway? Will he leave me because of my crazy fantasy? Ok, I don’t know if he will leave you for that so do share at your own risk….or for your pleasure. Lol.


  1. First I must commend Phaozee for writing on such a taboo classified topic. I am positive her aim is to enlighten couples on "spicing up their marriage by not dulling the partner"

    I don't know if I am in a position to comment but I will.

    Personally, I feel religion does not kill our fantasy but curbs our excesses.
    Imagine if one's spouse fantasy is to sleep with an animal while they watch.

    If you have a relationship with your creator, use it to guide your sexual life. Sometimes, difficult to obey however the benefit out ways the please.

    If it is something your creator will be pleased with PLEASE DON'T DULL.

    how will you know of your fantasy is right or wrong? Seek Knowledge. ..


  3. All guys have fantasies they dream bout & hope to play out someday with the right (or sometimes random) person...btw most of those fantasies happen for real here oh

  4. Thanks a lot Phaozee for this wonderful piece, atleast it will allow me add more fuel to my fantasies cos when it come to me remotely trying to fulfil them it's as dangerous as diving head first into a bubbling volcano. Lol, Yes it comes with marrying a super good guy.

  5. Yeah I totally agree with u anonymous, good guys are the worse things that can happen to you when it comes to great sex and sweet fantasies. Every night missionary without foreplay and they say they should fulfil our fantasies??? Impossible. So fantasies on sisters.

  6. Funny someone asked if I ever had fantasies and that got me thinking. I don't ve any oh, boring right?

  7. Diz z really somefin dat a whole lot of couples needz 2 b oreintataed about.I'm not married yet but. Can. Tell u dat marriages hav gone sour for d fear of giving room 4 finz like diz..and just as asake had rightly said,religion doesn't prohibits it,it only guided us n draws a boundry which we mustnt xceed e.g islam strongly forbids anal sex..thumbs up phaozee coz u spoke d mindz of lots of peepz..

  8. Nice blif is I fink most ladies wud av luvd to match-up to dos fantasies but then for d fear dat d hubby myt just be unnecessarily suspicious of d "skill" which he wud av gladly accepted out there,she decided to coded n no fulfillment.permit me to say again" ladies shud be be at times bitchy for ur MAN".he wnts it.he likes it. It shud be a nishable crime of 10 yrs imprisonment if ur man is taken away or ur woman as d case may be just becos u no ja! Lol

  9. Fantasies have a way of becoming real. You are what you think most times...

  10. Wow! Everyone has always got a fantasy, even me...hehehe. however, it can be fulfilled only in mutal agreement with your partner.

  11. With the right person fantasies can be fulfilled unless if u fantasize about idris Elba being with you. That fantasy go hard to fulfill hehehhehehhehhehee
