Tuesday 11 September 2012


Am I unfaithful to my spouse? Sounds like a simple question to answer, yet I think it is quite complicated. I believe an individual has the right to define a word in whatever way he/she understands it. So, I am not going to even try to get the ‘correct’ definition for infidelity or being unfaithful in marriage.
Once a lady gets married, in most cases she believes strongly that she has to stick with the man she is married to and has promised to be faithful to. It’s amazing that in spite of the reality of almost inability of a man to think or stay that way, the wife still expects her husband to have the same view or make the same decision about marriage. Haahaa. Actually, most men do make the decision to stay faithful or at least they hoped to. However, somewhere along the line…..yea they just do not.
Now, when is the man unfaithful? Is it when he starts talking so much to the other girl? Or is it when he goes out of his way to see her just because he really misses her company? Is it when he texts her every hour? Or is it when he out rightly starts to ask her out on a date? Is it when he starts kissing and fondling her whenever they are together or is it ONLY when he actually has penetrative sex with the other girl?
I chatted with quite a number of married people and the majority feels that so long as it’s a chat you do not want to be get ‘caught at’ then it is cheating. “Yes I would say he is cheating on me because he is sharing his thoughts with another lady. His attention is divided”, says Emizen. A few said it is not cheating if there is no physical contact. Meaning that no matter how or what you chat about with another opposite sex other than your spouse, they do not see it as cheat. From this few, a small percentage believes such chats, even though they do not regard as cheating, is a sure way that could lead to infidelity. “Cheating on one’s spouse isn’t premeditated, one silly act leads to the next and it becomes a norm especially when there is no attention in the home.
About two persons feel that even kissing is not cheating and one can only be seen to have cheated if there is penetrative sex.
It is obvious from the above that what I will regard as cheating might not necessarily be seen as cheating by my spouse. There lies the escape channel that provides excuses for some when ‘caught’ having flirtatious chats with someone other than their spouse. “I have never even met him. It’s really a harmless chat and nothing more.”
Quite interestingly though, it seems that at some point, over 80% of married persons have engaged in flirtatious chats –you might want to say, emotional extra-marital affair-at one point or the other in their marriage.
Research has shown that emotional affairs resulting from frequent and continual chatting, either by phone calls or by sms, has a greater tendency to break marriages than a physical sexual affair that has no emotional link. This is mainly because, this spouse continues to get more emotionally attached to the other one out there and as such is gradually disconnected with the spouse at home. There is more tendency to share intimate thoughts and fantasies with the ‘outsider’ than the spouse.
The things that lead men to cheat on their wives are different from what would cause a woman to cheat on her husband. Both share some reasons in common.
A woman could cheat on her husband either directly or getting a chat buddy that makes her feel wonderful unlike her husband who is now sees her as a ‘wife’ who will always be there no matter his mistakes. Sometimes, she could be doing this out of revenge if she feels the husband has cheated on her-from her own definition of infidelity. Another reason could be that she feels sexually disconnected to her husband and seeks to regain that connection elsewhere.
A man could cheat on his wife, in whatever definition you have chosen to go by, because he is no longer attracted to her. It could also be because he is beginning to feel old and needs to reassure himself that he is still ‘in town’ and capable to make a girl desire him. Or if he feels neglected by the wife and he finds someone who listens to his whatever he has to say including his silliest jokes.
These are only a few of the reasons why. Have you ever engaged in flirtatious chats with someone other than your spouse? Did you feel guilty? What led to that? What do you think are some of the reasons for people to have extra-marital affairs? Do share with other readers.


  1. I absolutely agree with the school of thought which holds the view that whenever a married person is so much as being involved in a chat with someone of the opposite sex, other than his/her spouse, which conversation he/she wouldn't want another person to hear. Then, such a spouse has crossed the line of fidelity. Nice right up sis, thumbs up!!

  2. If we are honest we would admit that at some point, knowing or unknowingly we have being guilty of flirting.
    Let's admit to ourselves, we want to know being married hasn't changed our sexuality. We want to feel like we did before we got married, to see d spark in our husband's eyes when we dress up. To know we are still attractive n in demand. Flirting with another man proves our thoughts.
    Wwould I want to know if my hubby is cheating heckling no. However marriage isn't black and white. It isn't a fairly tale. It's a school that we continually learn and it's easy when you are partnered with d right prsn your best friend, who wants to learn as much as you do, who wants to b d best he can be.

    So is FLIRTING a sin, I would say it's a spice, however if you cross over beyond the causal flirting, then you have not only committed an abomination you have become a piranha.

    As Africans we shy away from such topics, but d reality of life is that these things do haopen.

  3. Thanks for this post... You have truly pin pointed every act that could lead to marriage breakup

  4. I think ds ur write up gives me an hint on how to revenge. If ma spouse ll cheat nd get away with then I could cheat-chat nd get away with too. No religious books give any man or woman to cheat on their partner neither is it allow in any african culture, so it a worldly thing. So if a man does, a woman too should revenge in any minimal way possible. So thanks phaozeeee.

  5. I'm not married but involved with someone. Chatting with another serves two purposes.
    1. It's establishes you clearly aren't happy with who you are with i.e male or female.
    2. You want to rate what you have, who you've got and how much of an improvement you can make in your relationship, with ideas from your "illicit" chats.
    As a man, your partner (female for the purposes of this write up) is your trophy! She is your mantle piece, your pride and joy! If you are chatting with another woman, perhaps you haven't quite adjudged her to be the one. Oh and I know the compromises that are put in place, but inherently you are unhappy one way or the other.
    Now is it cheating? I'm not a judge and I can not tell you categorically, just as taking a piece of meat from the pot of soup your "partner" cooked with your money is stealing. Make up your mind yourself. As for me, until I find the one, Abeg I wanna chat the more! It helps me know what to look for and what I'm looking for in "my ideal" woman. Before anyone says there's no such thing, tell it to people who claim love at first sight.
